Building Materials Awards 2022. Great distinction for Nordia Marble

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On Monday, March 21, 2022, the Building Materials Awards 2022 took place at Radisson Blu Park, in order to reward companies that consistently invest in research and development of building materials. Companies with useful and innovative materials aiming at high quality buildings and applications.

Building Materials Awards honored Nordia Marble with Silver Award for natural, Polaris White marble by Nordia Marble in the category “Natural and Artificial Stones”. With unique features and properties, such as its excellent metallic composition, its high physical and mechanical strength and its excellent light or intense dark diagonal veins, make Polaris White suitable for any interior or exterior application. Although the quarry has been operating for many years, the growing demand for the material from the international market has led Nordia Marble to increase production. Nowadays, Nordia Marble exports the production of Polaris Marble at a rate of more than 50% to countries of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East.

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